Sunday, April 08, 2007

Glennan, my kind of girl

Potato chips are definately not for a health freak like me. Come to think about it, I haven't eaten any for years! They are deep fried in oil which has been reused for god knows how long, plus anything thats deep fried is NOT GOOD at all [Dad, if you're reading this, PLEASE TAKE NOTE!]. Its almost equivalent to trans fat and they promote your chances of getting heart disease and adding inches to your waistline.. your thighs.. a little cellulite perhaps.. Do I see something hanging underneath your chin there?

As an alternative I've tried baking potato chips, which often fail miserably. Plus, they still need oil, although lesser and I try to use olive oil. So I finally gave up on chips [Nooo dear Lord!]. Until.. I found Glennan! [Hallelujah!]

Glennan is you're typical girl-next-door kind of chick. She's sweet looking, got a killer smile and a pretty hot bod, except that I'm only fantasizing here. Glennan is actually a company which makes apple chips. [Whuuuut?] Yeah apple chips, you heard me right and BAKED not FRIED. That's what it says.

10 packets of apple crings equals one packet of chips! Go figure.

I LOVE THIS STUFF! It's made of 100% pure apples and yeah, you can pretty much read everything on the label and its only 16 calories! GAWD! 16 calories! [enters state of chips-eating frenzy]. And it tastes awesome! No sugar added but it's shuuuuuuweeeet! Sweet and slightly tart and crunchier than potato chips. [You lose this time fat-laden chips! Mwahaha!]

I'm telling ya, this thing is my salvation and my savior to my sweet tooth. In fact, I just ate two packets today morning.... and I hope Qin doesn't read this post. I tend to go overboard with healthy things. In fact, this morning I was starving and I ate 2 bananas, an avacado, a apple cinnamon rice cake, some rice milk [damn my dairy allergy] and two packets of apple chips. Isn't is good that healthy stuff don't give you love handles? Unfortunately they do Sam, if you eat too much.

So I bought this apple chips from Caltex at $1.20 per packet and I bought LOADS of them. Guess what? The distributor is in Canning Vale WA 6155. That's my poster code dammit! I'm gonna get this chips over in Perth as well, YAY!

Sigh, I just finished my pack of chips. Can't they like pack more into one packet?! Is that TOO MUCH to ask?! Darn..


  1. what other flavours they have?
    coz i'm not realli a big fan of sweet-flavoured they have onion chips?? lol...

  2. You very healthy hor..
    I ate potato chips every day this week...oh no!

  3. Wahaha thankew thankew. nvm lar just run more okay? lolz

    sadly, no! they only have apple chips, maybe the caltex only stock their apple chips.

  4. healthfreak here too...and has been years since i touch nyway where can i get those apple chips other than caltex? thksss =D

  5. Hello fellow health freak! lol, unfortunately I don't know where else sells it. sorry!

  6. I love crispy (and healthy) apple chips! I wonder how come the manufacturers never add apple chips with other dried fruits, like banana chips. That would be really delicious.

  7. Yo mate, I dropped you an email with some information on Vietnam stuff.

  8. Yum! I've seen apple chips like these in the UK made by a little organic food company called Jonathan Crisp. They were sprinkled with cinnamon and were completely delicious....

  9. yeah theres a store in perth which sells banana chips which are damn good! I ought to mix them. Mixing cinnamon in would be good also aye? Imagine apple pie chips, woot!

    Hey D thanks alot for your help me. I've seen the email, loads of info. thanks!

  10. hello, I stumbled upon your blog and read abt these yummy apple chips..can I ask which caltex outlet you got them from? thanks!

  11. hello anon, I bought it from Caltex at Serangoon North Ave 1 :)

  12. cool, thanks!

  13. I was just eating my second pack and suddenly panicked because i realised I only had ONE pack left. I HAD to google it. Then I found your blog. I called the number on the pack and no-one answered. I truly hope Caltex still stocks them! I'm calling Caltex tomorrow!

  14. hey, joy, did you manage to get the chips? i've tried a few caltex but to no avail. do you have any idea where i can get it now? thanks.
