Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cows & the melons they are

Didn't find this melons at a melon farm. Rather, it's scattered all over the place! You can find them beside the road, on empty state land etc.

These cows though, are found on a small farm 5 minutes walk from my house.


  1. I've always been tempted to pick up one of these stray melons when I druve pass them. I figured, what are the chances someone would poison one of them and wait for a sucker like me to come by? Haha.

  2. I've picked up a rather huge one b4 (ripe by singapore standards) but it still turned out to be unripe! I think the soil, or sand, is not fertile enough

  3. amazing man... they look huge!! haha.. i wish i was there...

  4. Dude, come over when u ORD man. which is soon!

  5. piracy affects porn but it's still winner during the crunch

  6. Any idea how credit crunch affected porn?
