Saturday, November 24, 2007


Just dropped by the Saturday fruit market and bought loads of fruits! Here's what's in season now.

Grape tomatoes are damn sweet! This whole tray for $3. Yes, whole tray.

This tray of tomatoes for $1. You heard me.

Strawberries are in season now and are so sweet! Unlike those in Singapore which are bland and sour, these are sweet and juicy. $2 for the WHOLE TRAY.

Oh-oh-oh and we bought mangoes which are plentiful and sweet (almost eating them everyday now) and kiwis which we bought for $7.50 for a WHOLE BOX!

Damn, I just wish they had durians.


  1. Hahha!! i wished they had durians too.. for you .. :) really cheap eh.. all the fruits.. and tomatoes.. :) Lucky you ..!

  2. Haha, well... I can't think of anything right now cept for durians... although those mangoes are pretty darn nice

    oh you shld try 727 durian puff, if you like durians :)

  3. Ohmy, the fruits are real cheap.
    The whole tray of Tomatoes.... so much! Haha. Good price!

  4. haha, looks like u went to the Canningvale markets!! ;p

  5. wow, Your fruit photos look great. We have the same thing in Viet nam now.

  6. We get quite a nice variety of fruits here all the way up North of hemisphere here too. A pity there's no real WHOLESALE market in Manhattan, everything's pretty expensive here. 2 apples for 1usd? Yup =(

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  8. you are making me miss perth heaps!

  9. Hiyee Sam! Finally got my internet connection up and running after a long, convoluted and frustrating application ...

    What can I say? It's been fantastic to be back in Perth, really ENJOYING ourselves here, compared to the fact that we almost died of boredom up in Darwin ...

    how's it going? I swung by your fitness blog and oh ho ho ...
    That one word sums it all up.
    keep in touch when you can, and my support is with you, cheerio!

  10. what happened to your blog, no new post for such a long time? i miss perth too... hee :)
