Sunday, January 06, 2008

Yummie dummieS are..

..landing in Singapore in 8 hours! Woohoo!

Ooo... the humidity. Call me crazy but I like it.


  1. Wow..!! i envy..!!

  2. Hey!
    I happen to chance upon your blog and read that you're in Perth. Looks like you've seen really nice stuff and even cheap fruits. I was wondering if you could recommend me places to visit in Perth and around there as my family would be going up there for a vacation coming may. Also, where's that fruit market you mention? U cld reply when ure free, and thanks anyway!

  3. haha, I haven really gotten the time. When i get back somewhere around the 11th oki doki?

  4. yay. :D all hails yummylicious food!
