Friday, February 26, 2010


Reading all the past posts and comments in this blog has made me realised how much I miss blogging. Not only blogging in general, but blogging about food. There's so much I miss about blogging. I miss going around Singapore to source out good food, trying my bestest to take a photo to tempt your tastebuds. I miss writing, actually. Writing in a way to express my feeling at that moment towards the bowl of ramen sitting in front of me; priceless. Lastly, I miss being in the floggersphere; the comments etc.

You know the saying, "You only miss it when its gone"?. Well, I guess it rings true this time. My fingers are itching to do some typing, my tastebuds are dying to do some tasting. But the food in Perth is so limited. Of course, there IS good food to be found. However, the standard for a dish here is around AUD10 in food courts and around AUD30 in restaurants; something a student like me cannot afford that often (yes, I often pack food from home and its not uncommon for me to eat 6 slices of peanut butter and jelly a day just to keep from going hungry). For me, its more about not wanting to let you readers down. I don't want to start afresh, and halfway through, run out of places and food to blog about. It will just be another disappointment.

Plus, I'm in my 3rd year now (the toughest year they say), and I've managed to secure a position to do honours (which makes it even tougher). Oh god...

What I'm planning now, is to 'renovate' my blog, get a DSLR camera for better pictures, and then start again. However, due to my commitments, this may take quite awhile...

Friday, February 12, 2010

New blog

Dear Readers (anyone who is left!)

My new blog is

I will still post up posts about food (sometimes!) and there are plans for another food blog; if not continuing this one.

Hope to see you there!