Tuesday, August 22, 2006

REAL enough for Choco Balls?

Me and my good buddy Des. ps: He's another min jian kueh fanatic

This is the longest run I have ever done in my whole life. 10km Real Run 06 by New Balance! Okay okay, maybe 10km isn't such a long distance. But for me to complete 10km in 59 minutes is an accomplishment, considering the fact that I was once a chubby overweight boy. Sad to say, I wouldn't be able to participate next year :(

Oh well, anyways, after completing the run I headed down to Qin's place because we planned to make ......*drumroll*....... chocolate balls and muffins!!! Actually what we made weren't really chocolate balls, just rum balls without rum (because we don't like alchohol and secondly, we don't have it).

Qin's brother working hard at grinding the vanilla waffles

It's quite easy to make actually, but we missed out an important part of the recipe! Can you guessed what it was? It's RUM! There was no rum so the mixture wasn't sticky enough to be moulded into balls!!! Sadly, I only realised this simple fact AFTER we finished making everything. Overall, the choco balls were quite tasty but a little too sweet. Therefore, I had to roll it over ground almond to lessen the sweetness. I also dipped some into melted dark chocolate and rolled them in ground almonds and I have to say that these tasted and looked the best, as proven by my friends in camp. All of them went for the choco coated ones first! Even though I received quite good comments from them, I'm going to fine tune the recipe abit more before posting it on the blog. I'll even try different flavours or fillings! So stay tuned!

What happened to the muffins I hear you ask? Well, most unfortunately, they got burnt! You see, it turned out that the oven's temperature regulator was spoiled! Oh well, guess we'll try it another day.


:: Pastry Girl :: said...

hey seems like u are a new flogger!

link me too...thanks!

yr choco balls look great though. yum!

Sammy said...

Hello! Yeap I am :) sure will